Monday, 10 October 2016

A short rant with a positive ending

The daily assault on us by the media about Syria, assylum-seekers, Brexit and now Trump has - much to their relief - taken the spotlight off the rogue bankers over the last year or two, but they are still up to their old tricks.

A whistle-blower has just given the BBC some papers which show that the bank which recieved the most public money to prevent it from going under due to its own sharp practices, has been helping failing businesses to collapse completely by offering them services they describe as 'intensive care' to help them to get back on their feet.

This 'intensive care' (they themselves describe it as exploiting the 'dash for cash', last-ditch attempt to stay afloat) involves another department of the same bank buying up their assets  - usually property - for peanuts, sitting back and watching them go bankrupt, then selling on the property at a large profit. They have been doing this for years. They have never stopped doing it since they were publicly disgraced, and they still see personal debt as an asset to sell on to another bank. They are parasites, in the true sense of the word. They have no long-term plans to help the country's economy grow that do not mean short-term profit to them.

Anyway, I must not get too depressed - Thomas arrives today, and I am planning on enjoying every minute of his company. This will be a short stay, but will have a long-lasting beneficial effect on our lives.

I have to go and finish de-lousing our compact but adorable city apartment now. He will be here soon.

(The above is the image chosen for H.I.'s forthcoming exhibition publicity, late November. I will give you the exact dates later, should you find yourself in Bath for the Christmas Market...)


  1. Best to USE your bank, before they USE you!

  2. The debate was framed as being about/for undecided voters. As it's impossible to imagine that such a person exists, these must be the people who refuse to admit to pollsters that they are voting for Trump. This is what makes the outcome unpredictable, despite the reputable (?) polls that show Hillary with an 82% chance of winning the election.

    1. Right now, the worldwide electorate are extremely unpredictable. There are many Republicans who would reluctantly vote for him (I guess) just to get the party back in, but quite a few have threatened to vote Democrat. That was when there were other options...

    2. Unlike in your parliamentary system, one party can hold the majority of seats in the senate and house without winning the presidency. It makes for a stalemated government, but that's what the Republicans are aiming for now: Hillary in the White House with a Republican congress to block her.

    3. This must be why Obama could not get anything through.

  3. Words fail me really Tom about all the corruption - and all about money.

  4. I like that image very much. It's a fine choice.

    Wishing that we had a fine choice for next month's voting exercise. It always seems to be a matter of the lesser evil. It was painful to watch that debate.

    Best wishes.
