Thursday, 4 August 2016

Nice sunset - now gone

Sham Castle to the left of the middle shot, and the brand-new, Trump-style manion to the centre.

A friend helped to build the new house last year, and a nearby resident asked what it was going to be.

"Oh, it's going to be a refuge and safe-house for drug addicts", was his answer. Sham Castle has a golf course...


  1. Oh no, not the great unwashed!!!

  2. Is this view from your abode? how lovely.

    1. Here in Bath, you are never more than a mile from the countryside, and it rises up around the city at all points of the compass. Bath is only called a 'city' because of the abbey.

  3. Tom, having sunset views of colors drifting over buildings and countryside is certainly more enjoyable than having to pass by grandiose, tacky buildings with some sort of Trump connection. They are truly awful.

  4. I believe Trump is going to buy Bath, and change it into a candlestick theme park.
