Saturday, 16 July 2016

Brass and Glass

I am going to take the weekend off from all the death, destruction and turmoil going on right now. Is there such a thing as 'stress fatigue'?

So what better way to fritter away a Saturday post than to talk about candlesticks? (See you later, John.)

As I packed up and shipped off my collection of eight, 18th century Tavern or Coffee House candlesticks to France the other day, I felt quite a strong twinge of seller's remorse, despite the large profit. I need not have wept for too long though, because a perusal of Ebay unearthed a pair of identical ones which arrived in the post today! Hooray!

The acquisition of this pair has taught me that there are at least two distinct types of these sticks, made to the same design. All the others had solid stems, screwed to the bases, but these have hollow stems which are punched into the bases and sealed with little corks. (Keep up, John. I will be asking questions later.) As I have said before, they must have made hundreds of these sticks, so I suppose it should be no surprise to find ten survivors in the space of a year. It is a bit like when you buy what you think is an unusual car, then seem to spot one a day as you drive around in it. The trouble is that I am duty bound to buy these sticks whenever I see them, so I may end up with another eight by 2017.

The above candlestick is one I have had for a few years, and am currently selling on Ebay (go on, you can afford it, John). It combines my two obsessions in one go - candlesticks and glass. Brass and glass, if you like.

For years - I now understand - I have been slightly obsessed with anything which either gives off light or lets it through. It used to be telescopes and binoculars, but I have now got that one undercontrol. There used to be a dealer in the Saturday Market who said, "Here comes the bloke who wants anything with a lense in it", whenever I turned up.

Now, John - don't you think this would look lovely on your sideboard?


  1. Tom, since you appear to be an authority on candlesticks would you mind emailing me your email address? You have mine [email address] I don't have yours.

    I'd really appreciate your advice on two heavy weights which came into my possession a few years ago.


    1. You don't seem to be in too much of a rush to obtain my opinion on your sticks...

  2. Thank you for a needed relaxation! "Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There" - instead of "The Pool of Tears" that flood the hallway...

  3. I never thought I would develop an interest in Tavern Candlesticks, but I do appreciate your showing us this additional design.

    Would owners be able to collect a variety of stems to alternately affix to the same base? Would some stems be thicker, and heavier, than others? Do the hollow stems dent easily?

    When your latest purchase is delivered would you consider another post with more details about this design? Something tells me that stress fatigue might show up again.

    My local Barnes & Noble has sold out of The World of Interiors, so I will look for the current issue (not sure whether it will be the July or August one) when I am next downtown at the big Union Square B&N on a farmers market day.

    Best wishes.

    1. Your'e welcome. No. Yes. Maybe. I already have. Good luck.

  4. For unrelated reasons it would take to long to go into I was looking at the August edition
    Ooh Mr Stephenson what a nice what a nice bath surround and fire place you have .

    1. No, that is David's house. I just made the surrounds.

  5. Replies
    1. It's not that fresh. It's cooling off already.

  6. This one does appear a little 'bottom heavy', maybe it should be named Kardashian.
