Sunday, 24 July 2016

A Canterbury Tale

Here is a treat for you, and especially for Weave - Powell and Pressburger's 'A Canterbury Tale' - full length escapist film in glorious black and white. My all-time favourite film.

Just in case you cannot reach the full-screen button on this blog, I have put a link to it below, direct to You Tube. Put aside an hour or so to watch it.


  1. Oh Tom - sigh - I remember it well. (And I bought a very similar hat as a result)

    1. I have them all - my second favourite is 'I Know Where I'm Going!' but I think you already know that. I just LOVE these films.

    2. Oh.god. MrEM also loves "I Know Where I'm Going". It's a Scottish thing. That and "Whisky Galore". Thank god he's good in bed otherwise I would never have married him.

    3. Too much information, given far too late.

    4. Also, don't you have to use a capital 'G' when using the name of God if you live in The Close?

    5. God knows. We don't live in the Close. Just a little hovel outside the gates. As for " far too late" with my response I often dont read posts until 'later' now that I'm experimenting with the timing of my meds.

    6. Ah - I am beginning to understand both geographically and medically. Thanks, Elegance.

      When I stay in The Close, I have ti ask for a key if I go to a pub after 10.00 pm.

    7. I normally go to The Cow - or something which sells bit of them. Japanese my arse.

    8. To, not ti, and bits, not bit... I've had a couple of glasses, addsjopmm krtjoeiofroifjo[efae fm ;j[erifoiwhefnkln[oijerfo[jlwkefl[qir3jf[oiq3rgkljnwthl'ue-89fhqwk;nf;kqejrhgo[qirjfgl'qierjhgfo[eqr.

      I hope tht is clear.

    9. Hang on, this is not only fun, but you may get a message fron the beyond from a deceased loved one;

      qp23r.v,po4tr ip

    10. Automatic writing, that was.

    11. Maybe I should go to bed - it's starting to make sense to me.

  2. Also, for the film-critics amongst you - I'll have you know that this is Martin Scorse's favourite movie too.

  3. I would love to read a 2,500 essay on why you love it!

    1. You might learn more from that than the one-line put-down you have given as to why you don't like it. 'Early experiment in surrealism'??? Where the hell did you do your film studies???

    2. A more measured response would be that I try not to critique films in the same way I have given up recommending books to other people. With books and films, all that matters is that you enjoy it. If you have to know why you enjoy it, then half the enjoyment has gone. All I can say is that this film takes me to a place which I want to keep visiting so much that I can almost recite the script word for word. If it does the same for the maker of 'Taxi Driver', then I am not imagining that it is so powerfully transportive.

  4. Thank you so much for this link, Tom.

    Small world coincidence is that when having lunch with some friends Friday, The Canterbury Tales entered into our conversation.

    I will be returning to watch the show tomorrow. Monday's going to be a super hot day over here, and going outdoors isn't going to be as much a treat as watching the film.

    Thanks again!

  5. Fabulous film. I must watch it again soon. Too many guests at the moment.

  6. Love the Archers! My favorites are I Know Where I'm Going and A Matter of Life and Death, released in the States as Stairway to Heaven.

    1. (That's not Ambridge, for all you Brits, it is the production company). I have everything they ever did in DVD. My least favourite is 'The Edge of the World'. It's a bit stilted.
