Sunday, 26 June 2016

Genies and bottles

So you thought I would shut up about the E.U. Referendum? What do you think this is? An episode of The Archers? Anyway, I have a job to do - finish off Groucho using nothing but boredom. I see it as a challenge.

Also anyway, H.I. has been thrown into a deep depression about it all, so I am finding it hard to divert myself with brass candlesticks. A friend of hers - no, two friends actually - have called her up because they 'just needed to talk to someone about it', and one of them (the female one) was in tears.

Last night, H.I. persuaded me to sign the petition for a second referendum, even though I said it would be a complete waste of time. Ok, they may be forced to briefly mention it in parliament (especially now it has hit almost 3 million signatures), but can you imagine anyone in government  - or anyone left in government - saying, "Sorry! Made a bit of a mistake! We didn't mean it!"?

Dee Em - over on a previous post - said that he/she could not see any difference in his/her day-to-day life since the referendum, so what was I ranting on about?

Well aside from being a little on the impatient side (it was only 2 days past, after all) I am wondering if she (I think it's a she) has gone back into the cupboard she crept out of to lose her sense of humour with me.

Has she not noticed how both the Labour and Conservative parties are tearing themselves to shreds at the expense of the country? Corbin has sacked Hillary Benn for mounting a vote of no confidence in him, so most of the rest of the shadow cabinet will resign on Monday as a result, leaving no opposition to Cameron or his successor at all, not that they need any.

Cameron has paved the way for the far-right of the Nasty Party to team up with UKIP by simply washing his hands of the whole business - the very morning of the vote count.

Scotland will definitely win the next referendum to break away from the United Kingdom, thereby destroying the Union for ever, also simultaneously destroying Britain's nuclear defence capability - whether or not you want it.

With a little help from a handful of other E.U. countries, the E.U. will disintegrate very shortly and bring about yet another world financial crisis before we have even begun to get over the last one, and Russia could well feel confident enough to move back into Poland and the Eastern Block, with nothing but NATO to limply protest about it.

And three days after our referendum vote has been counted, Dee Em can see no change to her day to day life? Seriously? Maybe she will notice when the price of vegetables goes up in Waitrose, not that they need any excuse to raise them.


  1. Well, you have the "he/she" part right... oh and the "it". Quite accustomed to being referred to as an "it" I'm afraid. Usually with a round of chuckles at the water cooler. Once was a he. Now I like to think I am a she. Perhaps you'll now understand why my worries about BREXIT aren't at the top of my list, but thanks for reminding me that I am indeed an "it" in the minds of many an ignoramus. Proof yet again my day-to-day life has not changed. Love the "coming out of the cupboard" as well. It used to be a "closet" but my physical size is more suited to a cupboard. You are quite astute but very angry, and anger is a waste of time.

    1. Oh, I see! Yes, I do understand now that you have probably experienced the biggest change to your life that will ever happen, but please be assured that I had no inkling of it when I was trying to determine your sex! The 'cupboard' as opposed to 'closet' description was purely because I didn't want any homophobic connotations inferred either. How funny!

      As far as my anger goes, that post about Wessex with me ranting and swearing on was supposed to be funny, and the anger was feigned - not that I always feign anger, mind. I only get angry when I lose my sense of humour, and I always regret doing that.

  2. I can see no change in my day to day life either. You are acting like a spoiled child just like a lot of others. We moved a wash basin in the dairy for an EU regulation because it was six inches in the wrong place. We moved every light in a grain store holding 12,000 tonnes of wheat because the inspector said an EU directive said they were in the wrong place by 2 inches. If we didn't move them we couldn't get a license to store grain. We sold sugar to markets only approved by the EU. Hauliers from the EU were allowed in an EU agreement to ply their trade here but as they came from EU countries across the channel they did not abide by EU rules and never had and never intended to. They did what they wanted, undercut UK hauliers, used cheap fuel, ripped up tacho cards, didn't abide by drivers hours regulations like the EU said although UK drivers have to, got drunk, drove with a bottle of wine on the go, killed people and still got all the work and no fines. Lots of good, honest people voted to leave the EU for economic reasons and if only all the spoiled brats would stop and think it might just get better for them in the future. And you're worried about the price of a fucking cabbage.

    1. Right. That's about half the farmer's point of view put. Now deal with the rest of it. I wonder what sort of tantrums you would be having if - as you and Nigel Farage expected - it had gone the other way. You put a pin in the voting card and could not believe it when you got your wish. You are the only person I have encountered so far, who is actually acting as if there is a rift of interests between actual people rather than politicians. Anyone who has Waitrose as a corner shop will not be too bothered about the price of a cabbage, except maybe in Norfolk.

    2. "For her and for all young people I'll be voting in now." Rachel, June 16th, 2016.

    3. I certainly would not be whingeing like you are and would have accepted it. In fact if you want to leave decisions like this to a load of fuckers like me this is what you are going to get. Decisions like this should never have been given to the people in the first place.

    4. 'What I get' from people like you depends on how much you have had to drink. Since it is Sunday and gone 2.00, I am assuming that you are on your second bottle. Likewise, your voting intentions also change depending on how pissed you are. I cannot and do not take you seriously.

      I agree that this referendum should never have taken place, but if Cameron had not promised it to the right of his own (and Farage's) party, he would have been out of a job sooner than October 2016, and I have already said that.

    5. I do not understand this comment at all. I am stone cold sober and I meant every word I said and it is fact not pie in the sky at life in the EU as the self-employed from a road haulier and farmer's point of view. I don't give a toss whether you do or do not take me seriously, that's your problem not mine.

    6. "For her and for all young people I'll be voting in now." Rachel, June 16th, 2016.

    7. Ah yes poor Jo Cox murdered by a madman. Remain attempted to make a martyr out of her in the end and that turned me off completely.

    8. Oh, and I thought you had thought about it, rather than listen to any of those idiot campaigners. The only person who attempted to make a martyr out of her was an idiot bishop - I forget which one. Everyone else - on both sides of the argument - said it was very important NOT to make a martyr out of her, just not waste everything she had stood up for in her career - you know, like the young people whose interests you held so dear not that long ago? Like I say, I cannot take you seriously. Whatever comes out of your mouth changes by the minute, according to your mood.

    9. Just like comes out of your mouth when you're pissed and disappears by the next morning.

      I believe her own husband tried to make a martyr out of her as it happens.

  3. I have just heard that Article 50 might not ever be presented. In the meantime the UK is destabilised - for the racists are out on the streets and Sterling is shrinking, I smell a dirty big fish Tom ?

    1. I'll have to look up what article 50 says, for right now, I haven't a clue.

    2. I've read it a couple of times. I think the vote happened because the EU didn't listen to the farmers, the merchants, the tradesmen. And the folks of that age thought the youngsters they might be shooting in the feet would outvote them, and perhaps in the end there would be some dialogue that would lead to positive change.
      As Billy Pilgrim said, be careful what you wish for. And before my nice friends across the water tell me it doesn't concern me, it does. My house is on the market. Your vote will keep mortgage interest rates low. However, my house is not a starter home, it's a move up home. Brexit has stripped away the money and the job certainty that permits folks to buy a house. I'm off to get another St. Joseh.

    3. It concerns everyone - as Groucho points out, it's global. It maybe interstella

    4. He should know, he's an alien.

    5. My missiles are now locking onto Betazed... once I have the coordinates...

  4. I've just watched Coldplay live at Glastonbury, so I'm all loved-up now. It won't last.

  5. I've just watched them too ...... also watched P J Harvey but wasn't fussed !! .... glad I'm in the dry and not up to my bits in mud !!! XXXX

    1. P J Harvey's dad runs a stone quarry not too far from Glastonbury.

  6. Today I went to a friend's baby shower, and was happy for the baby to be. She will have terrific parents who are old enough to realize what they have decided in having this baby. Only a few weeks to go.

    I've had some rather negative clouds circling recently involving not me, but folks who are dear to me. Taking a gift of my hand knit baby cardi to this party somehow cheered me about the future.

    I might buy some more pounds tomorrow, but right now I am happy about my friends yet to be newborn.

    Best wishes.

  7. What swung the vote for me was Osborne bemoaning the loss of 4,OOO bankers if we voted out.

    1. Yes, that is a rather attractive prospect, but the trouble is that when they go, they take your pension fund with them.

  8. Love the idea of holding more referendums until you get the result you want; very democratic.

    1. Yes - keep going until it goes your way. The trouble is that it works both ways. I thought that maybe they could use the fact that the polling booths were equipped with pencils, not pens. I was amazed when I saw how easy it would be to erase the votes when nobody was looking, but I daresay that someone always is looking in this country.

    2. Oh and - by the way - it's REFERENDA in the plural, despite what all the professional politicians call them.

  9. I'm focusing on thinking about what a drop dead sexy fucker Chris Martin is..........

    1. That's as good a diversion as any others I have heard. I wish I could feel the same way. How about what a drop-dead sexy fucker Michael Eavis is? Ha! sEE? Now you know how I feel.
