Thursday, 16 June 2016


I think I have now decided, after the murder of Jo Cox by someone who - I am told - was shouting, "Britain first!" as he shot and stabbed her. I am voting IN for Europe.

Is this an emotional response? Of course it is, but what other good reasons have we been given?

This is as good a call to unite as any of the others provided by a bunch of self-motivated politicians or industrialists - something that (I have been told) you could not accuse Jo Cox of being.

And we thought that this sort of killing only happened in mainland Europe or the USA.

I feel really sick tonight.


  1. Me too ...... at the moment, I'm an inny !! XXXX

  2. For her and for all young people I'll be voting in now.

  3. I've already voted 'IN', but I would again in her memory.

  4. In her previous job, she did all she could for refugees from Syria, I have just learned. This is probably why the madman who killed her was shouting, 'Put Britain first'.

    I know that the bureaucrats in Brussels are a pain in the arse, but to vote 'out' now would just be playing into the hands of some of the most despicable far-right we have living under the lino, not just here but all over Europe. Even Trump has advocated 'out'.

    The 'out' campaign has focussed on immigration above all else, but the problem which Jo Cox was trying to deal with when she worked in a charity will not go away just because we pull up an imaginary drawbridge.

    Politicians on the news this morning are urging people not to equate Jo Cox's murder with the EU debate by blogging about it etc, but how can you separate it? The madman has put a focus on it, and if anything good should come out of this ghastly thing, then it must be a general unification of intent, and not just fragmented concerns to do with single issues and personal interests.

    1. Her death will also provide an expensively won opportunity for all politicians to re-think themselves, and for us to alter the way we think about all politicians. Part of our far-from-perfect democracy - a big part - is the availability of access to our M.P.s in local surgeries, etc. We can even stop them on the street to complain about pot-holes in the road, when their heads are full of far bigger issues. It would be such a shame if that has to come to an end.

  5. My thoughts too tom......mythoughts too

  6. Your last paragraph makes a very valid point.

  7. It was front page news here too. Very sad.

  8. Yes Tom, I feel the same. Of all the politicians I think Jo Cox was definitely one who was in politics for all the right reasons. A great tragedy - both for her family and for the country as a whole.

  9. I listened to Jo Cox's first MP speech today, and now am even more sad that her life was taken away.

  10. This is just terrible. I'm very sorry for her.

  11. Sums up how I feel too, Tom.

  12. I am so interested to learn that you (and other bloggers whom I admire) are for IN. For weeks it seemed otherwise and I just could not understand why any educated person would align with the immigrant bashing and nativist OUTs. Now for the vote.
