Monday, 26 January 2015

Oh alright then

Everyone's been complaining that I took down the picture of H.I. and the girls, so here it is back up again.

Daughter - right, centre - always complained that everyone would turn around and stare at her mother when they walked together in the street. I think that really pissed her off, but she's over it now.


  1. Darling Tom,

    There she is again!

    HI is so striking. We can well believe that not only is she capable of turning heads but also of swivelling them off completely.

    This woman should not be kept indoors for you alone. She would add sparkle, grace and style to any venue or occasion. A great party girl if ever we saw one.

    Now, just which fabulous, glamorous, expensive destination are you taking her to? She deserves it!

    1. I wheel her out occasionally, but - as you can see - she doesn't need me as a shabby escort.

      I think the next scheduled society outing is somewhere in London - her element.

    2. London, yes, perfect!

      Now, just get on your best bib and tucker and have the most fabulous of times together. Best get membership at 5 Hertford Street beforehand ( unless, of course, you have it already). This is definitely the place for HI to be seen......great crowd as our friend would say!

    3. No, hardly anyone can......we certainly can't.

      But, this is a great place to go bankrupt!

    4. Maybe I would last for 5 minutes before being carted off, having maxed-out on all my credit cards.

  2. Can I just get in my complaint that you took down the picture? If everyone else was complaining, I mustn't be left out, even after the event.

    The Hattatts always comment so absolutely perfectly.

    1. Thank you. complaint logged and acted upon.

      Yes, the Hatt@ts are a couple of Darlings (as most of you are before anyone feels left out.)

    2. Here you go again, taking things personally and pointedly.

  3. Might I say that all those four ladies look about the same age to me - was H I merely just leaving school when you married her - or has she just worn very well? Lovely picture by the way.

    1. We're not married, and H.I. has about 7 years on me - what was I saying about having the face one deserves...?

    2. The Indian girl to the right is 23.

    3. Sorry to sound dismissive, but I dare not say her name!

  4. So happy you re-posted this, Tom - it makes me smile to see all of them smiling!

  5. I missed it first time round, but add me to the list of people who smile back at the picture.

  6. My old girlfriend looks like the gal on the left

    1. The gal on the left has a huge family of good-looking children, all of adult age. She has to run a massive house for when they all turn up at the same time.

  7. I, too, missed the picture first time around. What a stunning woman -- as are they all! That Hattatts have the right idea -- as the darlings always do! Thanks for putting it up again...
