Saturday, 6 December 2014

RIP Spiddy

It is with great sorrow that I have to announce the death of our beloved bathroom spider, Spiddy. He was only about 2 millimetres wide, but he leaves a great hole in our lives.


  1. I HATE spiders ! The only good spider is a dead spider, no matter what size they are !

    1. You would have liked this one - what a sense of humour he had.

  2. Did you read Phillip King in yesterday's Graudian Review? Something about marble.

    Oh, sorry, this isn't Facebook is it. My mistake. I don't like spiders either and have lots of methods for killing them scattered around the house in case I get shut in a room alone with one.

    1. No, I didn't read that, because I almost never read newspapers. R4 is all I depend on, though there is far too much about 'the economy - stupid', right now.

      I can sort of understand arachnophobia, but you must understand that it means 'the fear of', not 'the hatred of'.

    2. I have fear and hatred.
      You might like the Phillip King piece because you know about touching and feeling statues, I assume.

    3. I do, but it isn't necessary for non-sculptors to touch and feel them, no matter what you are told. For instance, all ancient Greek marble statues were painted.

    4. Neither he nor I said it is. Have you read it? I think not. I was thinking of you as one person who understands making things to another

    5. I've already said that I have not read it, so the meaning is lost on me. Sorry.

    6. You could look it up on line. You might want to go to the exhibition.

    7. Why would I want to do that? As I keep saying, I don't read newspapers.

    8. If you're not interested I won't bother. Are you only interested in bloody candlesticks? Anyway Phillip King is a sculptor just for your information.

  3. That may not be a dead Spiddy, it could be his empty shell, he could return bigger & better

    1. No, I know a ghost when I weigh one, and this is a cadaver.

  4. Hester is right. If it has a tiny violin on its back, it's a brown recluse or fiddleback spider which can rot tissues. I know because they are lurking everywhere in the dark recesses where I live. Only spider (I forgot the large Wolf spiders) I squish whenever I find one.

    1. I think - and hope - that we do not have the fiddle-playing spiders in this country - yet. If I hear music coming from the bathroom, then I will gird my gonads with steel.

  5. I have fear and hatred Rachel says!
