Saturday, 21 June 2014

Winter and Summer

Do you remember me showing you this picture (above) last Winter?

It was - unsurprisingly - taken of the sign on the heater which is just below the window in the shop I took this photo (below) today.

It would would be next to impossible for anyone to accidentally fall through this window, because there is a flipping-great heater (now cold) which prevents even a child from approaching it, and the opening is about 5 feet off the ground.

I don't know about you, but I feel like throwing the designer of this warning through the closed window.

So much more dramatic and meaningful than a mere accident, wouldn't you agree?


  1. Caution; elf-n-safety at work.

    1. Just the other side of this photo, there is a small step leading to the lower part of the shop. I saw someone trip over the sign that warned customers about it once.

  2. Do they have a different sign for when the window is closed?
    Apparently there used to be a sign in a field in N.England reading.." Please do not throw stones at this notice"

    1. When the window's closed, the heater is usually on. Life is fraught with danger.

  3. Like Cro, I was going to say,'Elf 'an Safety' gone daft. When it's summer like this, you almost forget all the rain we had last winter.

  4. It may seem daft, and it is, but as a shop owner with an extremely obvious ramp with a small gap where it meets the floor, just in the corner, I can assure you that at least once a day, some idiot tried to break their ankle in it. So we stuck a row of plants along where it was, and now they don't; walk there. I loathe signage, there are better ways, but there are days when I am SO tempted to put a sign on my door saying, "Please do NOT leave your brain leashed to the lamppost outside, you may need it INSIDE"
