Thursday, 13 February 2014

Boiled cabbage

This man has re-invented the door. In the clip below, the door folds, but in the first clip I saw which I cannot find on You Tube, the door slides between two slatted guides, and is hinged top and bottom. All I could think of when I watched him open and close it was it had a great deal of scope for severing fingers, but I am sure there must be ways of making it safer. There really ought to be, because both doors can be opened by small children, using one finger. This may be all they would be left with, having passed between two rooms a couple of times.

Changing the subject, my friend who lives in Scotland is constantly having her email hi-jacked, and any of the recipients foolish enough to open what appears to be a message from her are treated to a video of an American man giving a lecture about weight-loss pills, and this video is extremely difficult to switch off without shutting down the whole computer.

I have a feeling that - rather than being some hopeless advertising - it is a devious device for importing a Trojan of some sort, and since I was once foolish enough to open it, I am still waiting for the effects of the Trojan to make itself clear.

I gave her advice about changing the password and admin on the inside of her router, and not just the Wi-Fi outside, because all routers come from the factory with the word 'admin' for admin, and 'password' for password. Many people do not reset them when setting up, so they can be easily accessed from any part of the world.

I think she must have - eventually - taken my advice, because I received this email from her this morning:

Please set a password to register.


Sorry, the password must be more than 8 characters.

boiled cabbage

Sorry, the password must contain 1 numerical character.

1 boiled cabbage

Sorry, the password cannot have blank spaces.


Sorry, the password must contain at least one upper case character.


Sorry, the password cannot use more than one upper case character consecutively.

50SoddingBoiledCabbagesShovedUpYours, IfYou Don 'tGiveMeAccessImmediately

Sorry, the password cannot contain punctuation.

NowIAmGettingReallyPissedOff50SoddingBoiledCabbagesShovedUpYoursIfYouDon tGiveMeAccessImmediately

Sorry, that password is already in use !


  1. Apologies again for the way my page cuts off the right side of videos. Without changing the entire format, I can't do anything about it.


  2. only yesterday over at zen speug

    to leave
    a comment
    this reader had to enter the number: 9982499912556

    1. Life's too short and people are too paranoid (he said using his fake name).

  3. Looks like the door is based on a huge rubik's cube. Mr Gropius would have loved it.

  4. Replies
    1. If they did a Japanese paper version, then they would be safe - and everyone could hear you fart behind it as usual.

    2. You are speaking in general here, right? About the farting I mean.

    3. 'One' fart, I meant, not just you. I am sure you can be heard from behind a brick wall at some distance.

  5. Love the door …. love your friend ….. she sounds a great laugh ! XXXX

    1. She is, AND she is married to a Plantagenet, owns an estate with loads of crofts, three castles and a 25 bedroom house on it.

  6. I had much the same experience trying to find an 'acceptable' page name on Mr Zuckerberg's site. Mine had to start with a capital letter, even though facebook clearly doesn't.

  7. Oh Stephen after blogging and sobbing about my damn dead donkey I needed a good laugh. Many thanks!!

    1. I haven't read the dead donkey post yet - I'll go over and read it. John will confirm that I tend to leave insensitive comments about deceased pets, though.

    2. I've just read it, and I am so sorry. The only comment I could leave would be inappropriate at this time, so I won't do it.

    3. Just one question - am I right in thinking that your donkey was outside all night in a bare field with no cover or straw/hay bedding in minus 10 C temperatures?

  8. Well you lost me completely. I picked up a bit after you changed the subject. I guess I could have fitted a cunt in there somewhere but it would more than likely have said access denied.

  9. I really needed a good laugh in this horrible weather, so thanks for that Tom.

    A joke for you, to make you laugh.
    Man to woman in bed "How do you fancy trying a different position?"
    Woman, "Good idea. You stand at the sink and do the washing up. I'll sit on the sofa and watch TV"

  10. There's a place in blogger template to make columns wider. It's in the upper left hand corner of the page it's on. I could have Emily find it again. On the other hand, it wouldn't improve the door. Something from the mind of a clever, impractical engineer.

    1. I could make it wider, but that would mean redesigning the whole lot, and I just cannot be bothered. I originally made it like this to allow for other people's posts to be put up on the right side, but that turned out to be too problematic as well.

      Impractical? That's a bit harsh. They said that telephones would never take off as well, because in order to use one, someone else would have to own one too.
