Thursday 5 December 2013

Peace and Reconciliation

Now that's what I call a legacy!


  1. I truly hope there is a legacy. Mandela was intelligent , modest, and an incredibly forgiving man. His Truth and Reconciliation Commission is a landmark in human relations history. Particularly in a country where tribal ties and loyalties are very often paramount.

  2. The world feels sadder tonight.

    1. Chania
      A man who kicked ass gently

    2. A great way of putting it John. Amazing that he was the American government's terrorist watch list until 2008. I feel surrounded by an air of sadness in whatever I do today.

  3. A big day for the world, but all his days were big days.

  4. Compare this man who said that he was definitely NOT a saint to all those 'saints' currently in the process of beatification by the Holy Roman Church.

    Then compare him to all the countless politicians who you have ever considered voting for, for want of anyone better.

    Then compare him to Margaret Thatcher's hero - General Pinochet, whilst remembering that she - after the Sharpville massacre - called Nelson Mandela a 'terrorist' and a 'grubby little man'.

    If I continue down these lines, then I will go against Mandela's own saint-like doctrine of reconciliation at a time when we shouldn't.

    Never met him, but I loved him.

  5. Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela,- these are the beacons illuminating the darkness, and they are the real saints if saints there be.
