Here in the UK, there has been a sudden and rather frightening series of (so far) verbal attacks directed against foreigners who have arrived during a time of financial hardship which has hit everyone, and they are being accused of 'milking the system' with regard to state benefits, and even street-trading which - for some reason - has been perceived as the sole right of naturally born British people who find themselves homeless for whatever reason.
Of the 2 million officially 'unemployed' people in Britain right now, attention is being centred on the Romanian Gypsies who have spent about 600 years traveling from place to place around Europe, and since the demise of the Third Reich and the Soviet Union, the restrictions to travel further than mainland Europe have been lifted, allowing them to quite legally set foot upon England's green and pleasant land.
I don't know how many Romanian Roma there are in the UK right now, but I am guessing that they number no more than about 30,000 or so (maybe more, no official figures exist) - not many in the scheme of things, I would have thought.
And so what if they are milking the system? If their activities are legal, then they have the right to do so, whether we are over-stretched or not. You cannot blame them for trying to improve their lives by exploiting a 'generous' welfare state. A good many Poles came to this country during WW2 in order to provide flight crews and land-army to an over-stretched Britain in time of need, as did many Asians. I'm sure that if the Roma of Eastern Europe were not being gassed by Hitler in huge numbers along with the Jews, then they would have done the same thing. The above picture is of Roma people.
One generation away from the last great European depression which saw the rise of Hitler -who blamed the economic catastrophe squarely on the Jews - we are beginning to think along the same lines by forgetting the global bankers and real criminals in order to kick the weakest in society - Big Issue sellers. How much does a Big Issue cost? £3? Less? And the profit on that? 50%.
Be very careful about who you start kicking in frustration in the next few years, and don't allow any government to hoodwink you into thinking that any viable scapegoat exists outside of the system where they are all still hiding and thriving. You really don't know where it will lead - actually, you do.
Now is the time to be generous in spirit, even if you cannot afford to be materially generous.
Stay hospitable, for pity's sake.
If it wasn't for the kindness of a gypsy family I might not be sitting here reading your blog today and commenting. Thank goodness there were some wandering in Britain in the early 50's.
ReplyDeleteDo tell, Mary Ann.
Deletefor men, it is far easier to show hate. It is very masculine.
ReplyDeleteHave you seen the films of shaven-headed prostitutes and their children being kicked and spat on in the streets of the newly liberated Paris of 1945, before being taken off for execution, Grouchy?
DeleteA thinly veiled shot across my concerned bow.
ReplyDeleteI shall now go blindfold myself, and tie myself to that well used pole.
Not really Cro - there has been radio phone-ins (there was one yesterday which prompted this post) with people ranting irrationally about Romanians taking away Big Issue pitches from true Brits.
DeleteYour last post just brought it home to me that the unsavory zeitgeist is even stretching as far as Southern France to ex-pats - so it is really not directed entirely toward you.
We made a promise to the survivors of the last holocaust to speak out against even the seeds of fascism, and that's all I am trying to do here - trying desperately to keep my eye on the ball.
You might be surprised to know that I think in a very similar way to you about all this. But I see an inevitable consequence ahead that needs desperately to be avoided. The nutters are coming to the fore over here... I just pray that doesn't happen in the UK too.
DeleteI know Cro, but there is perfectly adequate legislation to deal with criminals of every hue in place already - all they need to do is ignore political correctness and enforce it.
DeleteI keep getting sent the same photos of Moslem nut-cases suggesting the beheading of homosexuals and war-veterans etc., and each time they are sent (by people who should know better), they are attributed to different events on different dates.
When you go back to trace the origins from where they emanated, you will usually find that they are sent by the EDL (BNP) or sympathisers. It is the consequences of this incitement to hatred which frightens me more than a bunch of Moslem fanatics waving banners in the street.
Hear hear! There's some dangerous stuff being banded about at the moment and politicians of all parties are encouraging it!
ReplyDeleteWell, when you think about it, they would encourage it, wouldn't they, Lovely? Anything to take the attention away from the real culprits who have been milking the system to the tune of trillions of pounds since about 1980, and continue to do so today - thanks to the same open-market, de-legislated policies which allow Romanians to stand on the streets of G.B. selling the Big Issue magazine. Some trade-off!
DeleteOnly a week after the shit hit the fan a year or two ago, one of the biggest bankers in the City of London (hauled up before a committee to explain what had happened) said, "I want my life back."
The problem is with bankers is that many of them suffer from narcississtic personality disorders - just like their mates (literally), the politicians.
DeleteIt's worse than that. A very large number of people who presently run business show distinct, clinical signs of psychopathy - unfeeling and ruthless behaviour toward others, with malevolent intent.
DeleteThe managers are being found out for what they really are.