Saturday, 28 January 2012

Colonel Gaddafi's bed

As I mentioned in the last post, today I bought a new duvet cover and sheet. 100% Egyptian Cotton, and drastically reduced in the sales. What they didn't say (and what I couldn't see through all the plastic) was that it was glazed cotton.

H.I. asked me if I had fitted my new sheets yet and I told her I had, so she went upstairs to take a look. When she came back down she was laughing quietly to herself (actually not so quietly), and I asked her what was so funny.

She said, "It looks like Colonel Gaddafi's bed", then continued laughing into the very nice Rose wine that I had just bought her, as I was cooking her meal...


  1. "looks lke a "shag" pad bed from the 1970s......
    but if you like it!...........
    I pictured you as a little more "traditional"..... does HI have her own four poster then?

    1. I should have known better than to post up a picture of my boudoir before blocking you for life, John. Goodness knows how you are going to use the image now, or how you are going to get it out of your head.

  2. One should never laugh at anyone who is cooking their meal.

    1. Well, they say that 'laughter is the best medicine', Starting - unless you suffer from impotence.

  3. The woman has no style! Gaddafi was well known for his excellent sense of dress. You did well to emulate him. Hopefully you will soon post a picture of your golden bathroom faucets.
