Thursday 20 October 2011


Sorry for 3 posts in one day, but I have been listening to various reports on the death of Gaddafi, and it just struck me how these tyrants that model themselves on Toad of Toad Hall all seem to end up cornered like rats.

A drain-pipe for Gaddafi, a hole in the ground for Saddam Hussein, a cellar for the Ceausescus, etc etc.

I wonder if Gaddafi's newly found friendship and resumption of business links with 'the west' after the Lockerbie outrage will now come to light?

Somehow, I don't think so.

Also, it will be pleasing for Cro to see that the problem of graffiti is not restricted to the 'west' either, as seen on Gaddafi's last refuge, above...


  1. I am at a loss a what to feel here Tom.. after the hunting down of Hussein and Bin Laden, it seems this is all de rigeur. I shock myself with these words!

  2. Graffiti that says 'Toad in the hole' doesn't offend me too much. Will the mad mullahs of Iran be next?

  3. I think it always has been de riguer, J, it's just that we know about it immediately (and with pictures) ever since mobile phones with cameras have been around.

    I think if G.W. Bush was still around, we probably would be mad enough to have a go at the Iranians, Cro. These days, we cannot afford to - they used to be our best customers at the Birmingham Arms Fair.

  4. Stupid place for him to hide out - under some graffiti that says 'Please find despotic dictator here!'

    I wonder where Cameron will hole up...

  5. The whole world has gone mad hasn't it? I do sometimes think poor old rats get a bad press. It is like people sometimes are accused of behaving like animals - quite a lot of animals would be horrified at our behaviour if they had that kind of brain.

  6. They had to kill him - shame they didn't just shoot him before beating him up. That's what I would have done.

  7. I agree with Weaver ... and my boss Old Salt who says "Who can call someone an Animal? Animals are so much more humane."
