Thursday, 7 July 2011

Phacebook & Phishing for Phat cocks

A friend of mine lost his iPhone the other day.

By the time he realised it was gone, the thief had run up a bill of over £600 with it.

That's not all, though.

One of his work mates spotted - before he did - that the thief had also accessed his Facebook account using it (and carelessly stored photos), to post up pictures of someone (hopefully his girlfriend, and not someone else's girlfriend/wife/boyfriend - though I have not seen them) sucking his cock.

Yet another reason NOT to join Facebook.

My only regret is that I am not a member of Facebook, and by the time I will have joined up, he will have taken down the photos.

Oh well, plenty more phish in the sea, eh?


  1. I was a member

    in two weeks I had 200 friends

    I left quick stix

  2. no real live humans

    but some did like rookside so they didn't count

  3. pps
    bet you'll pull the blog tomorrow am!

  4. 'B Stuck' sounds like a gay, German version of 'Prisoner - Cell Block H'.

  5. ... and no, this blog's staying up and proud.

  6. I meant 'post' - ooh err, Missus!

  7. You always get me with these titles.
    You don't know me!

  8. Hello Tom:
    Now this is a road we have not travelled - nor do we intend to.

    We are informed by those who know that 'Facebook' is now very passé with the young and most popular with those in retirement. Horrors!

  9. I quit some time ago when I realised that it was full of people announcing how great they and their achievements were but never actually congratulating anyone else on theirs.

    I think it's the ultimate 'famous for 15 minutes' tool.

  10. Phull of phisting phun...

  11. I use Facebook to keep in touch with my kids and friends who are scattered around the world. I'm not ashamed to say that I'm a fan. The privacy restrictions allow you to monitor who sees what, so blame the users not the tool.

  12. Users not the tool? Are you a member of NRA, Sue?
