Monday 7 February 2011

Bright Young Things


  1. You make the rules - the rest of us just try to follow.

  2. I used to look like the one on the far right!
    (complete with the socks!)

  3. Was that in 1927, John? I actually bought this as a Valentine's Day card for a friend today, and I liked it so much that I Googled it up!

  4. no it was 1975 and my father said my home knitted multiccoloured jumper made me look like a male prostitute

  5. I hope he lived to see how things turned out for you.

  6. lol
    sadly he died before I kissed my first polieman and proved him right

  7. How things might have turned out differently for me if I had kissed a policeman before my father died too. I had been arrested a couple of times, but not by their beauty.

  8. I was in to priests, oh, and married men. ROTF

  9. I have a German gay friend who was into married men, Grouch. Guess what? He is now training to be a Catholic priest!

  10. that was when I was college. I am in a twenty four year relationship, committed.

    Not much difference between a priest and a married man.

  11. So what happens after 24 years? Do you go your different ways?

  12. We both sit on the sofa with our laptop computers, surrounded by the dogs, nightly. We are still very tight and we do everything together (except going to Russian parties. I refuse!)

  13. I was about to say that I have never been to a Russian party, but then I remembered a Russian girlfriend I had in the Soviet era (her mother was the daughter of a hand-maiden to the last Tsarina...)
