Saturday, 24 July 2010

The Big Society

"Setting people free to scare"


  1. You have to be in tune with modern British politics to get this one, but I'm sure you get the message.

    A few years ago, it was 'Scare in the Community', when they sent thousands of maladjusted patients out onto the streets, because they didn't want to spend money on health-care.

    The latest cost-cutting ideas include the novel idea of off-loading central government control (costs) by allowing villages to - essentially - take care of Jack themselves.

    Nice one.

  2. It's not only that - the Social Services seems to be falling to bits. Take that case of Baby Peter, the little boy who was battered to death and Victoria Climbie the little mite starved to death and so many others. They're not coping now - what on earth is it going to be like with the'cutbacks'. Doesn't bear thinking about!

  3. and the gallows provided entertainment too!

  4. I run into this problem frequently in my work. I'm part of a state agency that distributes food to schools and other institutions. The number of people in need of all sorts of help is astonishing and the need far outstrips the available funding. Actually in the US there is tons of available $$ that could be used to help the mentally ill and others in need of aid. Unfortunately the gov't. would rather spend it bailing out large corporations and lining their own pockets. Frustrating when you're on the front lines.

  5. How do you feel about Obama's ambition for State Healthcare for all, Bonnie? (this is a sneaky way of finding out whether you are Republican or Democrat...)

  6. HaHa! I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, I don't want anyone to have to go without healthcare when they need it and I wouldn't mind paying extra in my taxes to make that happen (ok, maybe I just let my Democratic roots show). I do worry that the quality of health care is going to suffer if it becomes universal. And I also worry that the govenment is going to have too much input into healthcare decisions that are best left between doctor and patient.
