Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Winter drawers on

I've been spending a bit of money on glasses again recently.

Maybe in the same way as I refuse to give up smoking because certain fascistic elements in British society - a small but vociferous bunch of would-be bullies - tell me not to, I drink more than I should because it is a good excuse to use all those lovely glasses. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you, hence no question mark on the end of that sentence.

This little one (only 2 inches in diameter) is a classic English 'rummer' shape, with a 'lemon-squeezer' indent on a square-cut foot, and dates from around 1800.

"What are you going to use it for?" asks H.I.

"Single malts" says me.

"You stopped drinking whisky" says she.

"All things in moderation" says me again.

This little thing cost less than half of a bottle of 15 year-old, good single malt, but will (and has) lasted a lot longer. So far, about 200 years longer.

Winter draws on.


  1. Beautiful! (But don't squeeze the lemon into your whisky - though, come to think of it: why not? If 'Rose's lime juice' was good enough for Philip Marlowe, the real drop might be tasty too. Though: I love it Single.

    1. 'lemon squeezer' is the name of the shape of the indent - I'll show you sometime.

  2. Replies
    1. They are around - tomorrow I will pick up another, for £20.

  3. If if were mine, and I wish it were, I would drink Grand Marnier from it ...

  4. Replies
    1. Come on - you cannot stop thinking about your gleaming new book, eh? I want one!

    2. I am a bit distracted ... but it was still a good post.

    3. Did you see the prediction about your distraction in the previous post? If I were you, I would still be running around the streets in my night-clothes.

  5. That is a truly beautiful little thing. Enjoy using it.

  6. I have already got mine on - and my thermal vest too.

  7. That is a beautiful little glass.

  8. lovely glass. I like single malt scotch, and it's much nicer to sip it from a good glass.

  9. My this year's resolution to open my bottle of 'The Glenlivet' 15 year old single malt, has still not yet been realised. I'm wondering if my hesitance is because I don't have the right glass. I've always fancied one of those tall, cut glass, antique whiskey 'tumblers'; as often seen in Sherlock Holmes films.

    1. It was a bottle of 15 year old Glenlivet I was drink last night - but not all of it, you understand.

      I have had many of those cut tumblers, and although I find them very handsome, I think they were made for people who liked to swamp their whisky, or worse - put ice in it!
